Simple tutorial of Echoview (ver.4.0.73)

What is the merit of using Echoview?
Echoview is a commercial software that is specialized for analysis of acoustic data collected by an quantitative echosounder.
It unables you to combine different kind of analysis menu to achive a certain echogram of the target species and you can follow the analysis virtualy (virtual variable).
Moreover, since it is a commerical merchendize, the develpment of the software is done continuously and the support team is resposible for there work.

What is the demerit of Echoview?
It is expensive. May be it is not possible to purchace Echoview personally.
And and only a few things can be done by demonstration mode.

Anyway, here we show you the basic way of practical data analysis, and example of what you can do with a licence version.

Step1. Getting started (Basic settings)
Step2. Excluding bad data
Step3. Using variable for analysis (Practical example of vitutals for plankton analysis and pelagic fish analysis)